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one year ago
James Hocum has been the targeted victim of onliine harm and character Assassination by a convicted felon with 7 felonys. Jason Smith has multiple psychotic diagnosis and has harmed many people in his drug addicted lifestyle. He targets those he is paranoid are his enemies and posts illegal content in their name to cause their life harm.


one year ago
Jason Smith Was indirectly involved a family members death due to his harmful intent. and posted so much Sex Crime propaganda lies under the name James Hocum that if you google his names Child Sexual abuse imagery and Child Porn Warnings are what come up. From search engines. This guy isn't a Sex offender or pedophile or criminal at all.


one year ago
If you google somebody's name Child Pornography's warnings should not come up as a warning in James Hocums Name or anyone who has no criminals record or history of drugs.. Jason Smith refuses to go get his medication for his psychotics mental diagnosis' He is a certified Psychopath with 7 felonies and is dangerous to society. James Hocum is not a Pedophile or Sex Offender, just a veteran and a victim of hate!

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