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7 years ago
7 years ago
7 years ago
The bible allegedly gave a recount of everything that happened to jesus when he died. Yet, when someone dies, they excavate their bowels. Basically, they shit their pants. The bible does NOT say that jesus shit himself, meaning, he couldn't have died. He was only pretending to have died because he was a vampire. A strong enough vampire to do supernatural things and survive sunlight, but the reason he was always cranky (except with his one meeting with Nicodemus at night, where he was strangely positive and uplifting,) was because the sunlight was causing him pain.
7 years ago
7 years ago
The secret is, the triad daughter of God was never human. She was animal. And she is safe now. The vampires have been dealt a mighty blow...and they will lose this fight because those who truly loved God did not surrender to the devil.
7 years ago