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7 years ago
in real life, OLD man Mohammad "married" his "favorite" wife (Aiyesha) when she was just 6yrs old.
Now all the muslims think it's OK to copy this crap.
Ban islam. outlaw islam. It's a felony religion. It is hate speech. It approves of the rape of little children.


7 years ago
Fuck u dick sucking little bastard you guys will never be the men your mom's are so you should go fuck yourself till you die a slow painful death you guys must have been born on the side of a highway cause that's where most accidents happen don't say that it's not true I also know that ur birth certificate is an apology letter from condom factor the first thing ur dad did when u came out his pussy was like "Well I FUCKED that up horribly you little sweaty salty cunts


7 years ago
@Anonymous954754126 You are obviously one of those stupid Muslims who thinks Mohammad was wonderful and you cannot see how EVIL he was. Muslims all over the world have the same reaction to the truth.
They cuss, they murder, they burn, they rape in the name of protecting their evil religion and evil "prophet".
I'm glad learned so much about "Islam". I even lived several decades in close contact with "Dearbornistan" and all its muslim residents. I had long discussions about the Haddith & Qu'ran, and actually helped more than a dozen Muslims open their eyes about the stupid junk in the Quran, and they RENOUCED islam. That's what every SMART, intelligent, logical muslim would do, is to renouce islam forever.


7 years ago
I enjoy reading paragraph-long comments.

No, really. Please continue.


7 years ago
Yoou're right these "values" have no place in civilized society.

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