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6 years ago
You leftist shtbags are always brainlessly farting "racist" and then spewing racist hate like the pretentious lying hypocrite bigots that you are. Every city, state, and country you people control is a degenerate crime-ridden socialist ghetto rampant with poverty and corruption. You spoiled self-entitled little turds always bitching about "oppression" don't know what real oppression is. All your Godless angry terrorist hatred, it's no wonder you support Islamic terrorism. Go have a feminazi pink hat march in Tehran or Mecca and see how long you survive. Bitch about "homophobia" and see how long before you get stoned, hanged, or thrown off a building. Had your parents smacked the crap out your smart mouths during your upbringing, you wouldn't have the police having to do it instead during one of your angry socialist riots/temper tantrums.

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