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6 years ago
basic meme


6 years ago
Ha! Nice!


6 years ago
For the record, I AM a lesbian.


6 years ago
I thought you were american
1 more replies…


6 years ago


6 years ago
Long ago, there were Hominids. These were Sapiens who were not as advanced as human beings. There were also Dragons. The Dinosaurs lived at these times, and they were to the Dragons what monkeys are to humans. The Grays came to this world, but because they had stolen God's cosmic power (at least a portion of it, enough to alter reality and manipulate space and time,) they could not destroy the Dragons themselves. They had to give certain Hominids their DNA and control what we know as the human race to destroy them and take over this planet (and universe) for resources. the Dragons were created by God, and were his real children. Humans ultimately were assisted by the Grays, who found loopholes and ways to cheat God's system. Vampires were Grays who had merged to human beings (as Grays are energy vampires,) and they stole the souls of Dragons to further their power. Vampires were the humans who had stolen the souls of Dragons, animals, and many others. They make themselves appear to be angels, but they're really human beings who live among the human population who have lived for countless aeons because of their stolen souls. The Dragon souls were recently freed. What was once hopeless now has hope. Whereas previously lucifer had merged to God to dominate and control him, God has been freed. If there were any who wanted to fight, but saw it as is the time to fight.


6 years ago
I think God and Lucifer are both dicks. Now what?


6 years ago
People are not developing superpowers all of the sudden. People are not becoming amazingly psychic and having extraordinary psychic skills. What's going on is the Grays are entering inside of people's souls and feeding on them. They're trying to create this illusion of the next evolutionary step of humanity, and they're trying to make it appear that humanity will somehow become great enough to be able to impress or meet them. It's all a set up. There have been 'extraordinary' people throughout history. Some of them were seen as beings like vampires, but the Grays have enhanced people all throughout history. They are the bad guys, they are evil, they want to cause suffering. That's all they do, and they need to cause more suffering than they cause good. This is not some kind of spiritual renaissance for humanity, this is a HARVEST, and they are trying to harvest everyone's souls. They create rouses that non humans are things like goblins and then they try to make scapegoats out of non humans inhabiting human bodies so they can try to unite humanity against a common enemy. The Grays ARE the enemy. Not just the enemy to God's creation, but the enemy of ANYTHING that's capable of suffering.


6 years ago

Sorry, I've never been one to buy into totally black-and-white narratives. Pure good and evil are usually the EXCEPTIONS, not the rule.

Why the fuck are we talking about this on Meme Generator?


6 years ago
Memegenerator is the world's premier forum for the discussion and analysis of theoretical cosmology.


6 years ago
The only way to truly defeat them is to have a sense of humor, as I have displayed, however, every word I have spoken IS true. Combat them with love and a good sense of humor, because they can't stand that. Grays sent by anonymous started to disparage my message, and I used a sense of humor to repel them. It does work. You need to train your sense of humor to beat them, and they cannot stand to be laughed at. They are extremely arrogant and it literally causes them harm.


6 years ago
So you're telling me the terrible, monstrous aliens can be defeated by Jerry Seinfeld standup?

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