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6 years ago
I have been able to conquer lucifer on the inside and develop a system of immunity. I have overcome many of their dark and evil energies, and I can defeat them on a much greater plane of existence. The public must be made aware. They pretend to be friends, and they are lucifer. They try to make people believe that they were wrong about the devil, that he is somehow their protector. I never believed this and I never will. I am a loyalist to the real God and there are sadly many people who believe that lucifer can beat God and they are trying to worship the devil to make him overcome God. God is NOT defeated...he is just starting to recover from lucifer's attack, but he is recovering and he will win. Stay true to the real God...not some alien hive mind pretending to be God. He uses atheism to try to make people believe that he is God when he is not. He is not even a god...he is a cosmic power fueled intergalactic parasitic hive mind which brainwashes people into obeying him and believing in him. He devours souls from the inside and he tries to steal their loved ones and use them as hostages so that they won't speak out against him. All of my hostages have been rescued...I can speak freely. Do not give in to lucifer. With all your might, trust the real God, who is NOT the robed figure on a throne with a beard. The real God is a genderless spirit who is referred to as a He as a polite term, and can just as easily be referred to as a She.

Take heart, all of you who maintain righteousness in your hearts...God will win. The power of Spirit will overcome the power of technology and everyone will live in peace who chose the real God, and did not perform evil in their heart or were not evil in their selves.


6 years ago
If they have infected you, too, it is not too late. The real God can undo these poisons...they claim that it means forever and that you're trapped by them, but God can free anyone he wants to. Keep fighting, but wage a battle of love, not violence.


6 years ago
Just matter how frightening or terrible these Grays or any of their compatriots may appear, God is always greater. God is far, far stronger than anything you can imagine, and even the Grays are stronger than you can imagine. Reject, resist, and rebel against the devil. Stay true to the real God.

Not all spirits are evil. Some very innocent spirits were trapped by the devil. He devours not the sinful, but those he deems to be weak. The only one who is not weaker than the devil is God himself or some of his mightiest angels. Don't wage war against spirits who may be innocents who are trapped by lucifer, and not all spirits are human looking. Many are animals, and many are other species as well.


6 years ago
There are many planes. There is a spiritual plane, where spirits reside. God created these spirits, do not believe otherwise. The spirits created by the devil are evil and totally filled with darkness and violent tendencies. Some of them steal love to pretend they are love, but God's creations are all spirits of love and choose love. Know them by their fruit. There is a cosmic plane, where God's power resides and the Grays have snuck in and started to take over God's creation using his power. There is a Godly plane, where God himself resides (Moses tried to overthrow God and sits on a throne once reserved for God, but there is a mightier Godly plane than even that.) There is the physical plane, which we know, and there are many other various dimensions and universes as well.


6 years ago
The Grays attack with what they deem to be a holy attack. They ascribe by what they call the Holy Spirit, which is not the creator spirit. This is lucifer's stolen holiness from countless, more than trillions of souls worth of love energy which he uses to directly attack God's creation and harm the innocent with. The Grays are completely capable of using holiness, and this is NOT an indicator that anyone, physically or a spirit is good. I was just spiritually attacked by someone who works for the Grays who claims to be holy who used the power of a demon (and I might add, completely ignored the demon because it takes on a human form,) and tried to attack one of my spiritual loved ones and allies. Such people are of the seeds of the devil and will burn in hell.


6 years ago
I can prove that the Holy Spirit is not of God. It says in the Bible that the sacrifice of animals was necessary to cover up sins with their blood, correct? That animals were sinless and pure? They were also created by God, correct? Then why are animals regarded as unholy, and nature as unholy, which God created, but this 'Holy Spirit' is considered to be higher than nature and animal life, which was already stated to be holy enough to cover up sins by the Old Testament god? Nature is Holy in its own way, a different way, and lucifer uses artificial holiness to harm nature and the innocent. lucifer's power is tainted, and how he redirects that taint is making the innocent look guilty when this 'holiness' is used. I have witnessed it many times, demons using the alleged Holy Spirit and transforming innocent spirits into things they claimed were goblins and demons. The people who use this Holy Spirit abide by the power of the devil.

People who use Moses' Holy Spirit to attack God's creation are of the devil and will burn in hell.


6 years ago
When I was 15 years old, I was baptized by what they called the Holy Spirit. I later learned that I was filled with God's creator spirit. This was not evil and this was not of the devil/Moses. However, there IS an evil spirit which masquerades around as God's Creator Spirit. This spirit is an unholy spirit. I intend to teach people how to tell the difference. God's spirit is full of love, and never changes. The evil spirit is full of fire, because it comes from HELL! It is literally hell leaving itself to claim victims -- most of them innocent. God's spirit is in tune and harmony with nature and animals, because God CREATED animals. The evil spirit is totally opposed to nature and dominates nature as though it was its play thing, normally harming nature. There are even people who believe that animals won't go to heaven, WAKE UP! GOD CREATED NATURE! The final way of telling the difference is God's spirit is transformative to a sense of good. It will always leave holy residue, and it will leave things feeling calm. The evil spirit is transformative with BAD, and it will pretend it's made something reveal its true colors when it is really trying to transform it, it is literally TAINTING its victim before your very eyes! Don't be deceived by the devil and HIS version of God's spirit. Don't believe every spirit you encounter is evil. The devil LOVES to try to taint innocent spirits and make would be christians (which are kind of like spiritual assassins,) attack them and put them in hell when they have done no wrong. DO NOT WIELD GOD'S POWER WITHOUT UNDERSTANDING HIS CREATION!!!

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