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TikTok used to be a fun little app where people danced, did silly stuff, discussed hard subjects they needed support with. It seems overnight I have only been seeing all the nasty people judging other creators, calling police and CPS if they don’t agree with a lifestyle, calling people racist and sending nasty messages because someone doesn’t want to make such a harsh judgment calls from a few 5 or 10 second videos, they are shaming families for having “to many kids” or call out others saying they are exploiting siblings or children. Now of course some do, but not to this extent. “She smacked his hand” = that’s abuse I have contacted her local officials. And on and on and on. I am damn sick of seeing this hatred towards each other. The amount of slander and hearsay and threats is absolutely ridiculous. So if you are like me and miss TIKTOK being the a fun and safe place to pass the time then please join me. I am going to focus on the positives. I hope to post fun content and goodhearted content. I hope you all join in. Warning though, I will NOT put up with the unnecessary drama here so if that’s what you are looking for please see your way out. I can’t wait to get to know you all! So won’t you come smile with me? - Caption

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